Merubah Tampilan di Facebook ( FB )

credit : moderator cyberdos
OK sekarang saia coba untuk share....

Untuk merubah tampilan di Facebook ( FB )

Sebelumnya ada syarat bahwa browser yang didukung hanya Mozilla Firefox, SeaMonkey dan Opera.

Untuk kemudahan saya, maka saya menggunakan Mozilla Firefox, maka jika Anda ingin melanjutkan dan mengikuti tutorial ini Just Use Firefox.

Berikutnya setelah firefox terinstall di mesin Anda, install add-ons Stylish

Berikut langkah-langkah untuk mengganti tampilan standar facebook anda :

1. Kita membutuhkan sebuah addons dari mozilla yang bernama Stylish 0.5.9. Addons Stylish ini berfungsi untuk meng-kostumisasi tampilan dari sebuah web termasuk facebook. Silahkan download disini
2. Buka lalu klik "add to firefox" untuk menginstal addons Stylish 0.5.9 ke firefox.
3. Setelah selesai menginstal addons, Restart Firefox
4. Buka link skin facebook di
5. Pilih salah satu skin yang akan digunakan
6. Dibawah tulisan "Install Option" klik "Load into Stylish"
7. Silahkan cek Facebook anda, maka skin facebook anda sudah berubah sesuai dengan skin yang anda pilih.

Jika Belom ada perubahan silahkan restart browser anda...
berikut beberapa skin model atau theme yang ada di

* ""Facebook - Batman Skin 2009
* ""FaceBook - EMO skin Green Black (new)
* ""Facebook - Frank Iero (My Chemical romance Skin)
* ""Facebook - Green colour 2009
* ""Facebook - Mickey mouse 2009
* ""Facebook - Pink & love Skin Tranparant
* ""Facebook - Pink Transparant (New)
* ""Facebook - skin green transparant
* ""Facebook green cool lover - 2009 Skin
* ""Facebook Purple Colour Transparant -skin 2009
* ""Facebook Skin - Blue facebook 2009
* ""Facebook Skin - Green black transparant 2009
* ""Facebook Skin - Spiderman skin 2009
* ""Facebook skin - Superman logo skin simple black
* ""Facebook skin - Transparant blue black 2009
* ""Facebook Yellow - Transparant Skin
* ""My Chemical romance skin To Facebook
* ''Facebook'' - Bottom Bar - Hide Conversations
* ''Facebook'' - Modify the bottom bar
* 'New Facebook' - Full Set of Tweaks
* 'New Facebook' - Remove Ads
* 'New Facebook' - Remove Yellow Explanation Tags
* 'New Facebook' - White Background Wall Posts
* 'New Facebook' - White Input Fields
* 'New Facebook' Remove ads and Wall wider now
* @bsolutely the best - Spring Skin - Facebook v2
* @bsolutely the best by Paweł Kubisz Mod 2 by NikT
* @bsolutely the best by Paweł Kubisz Mod 3 by NikT
* @bsolutely the best by Paweł Kubisz Mod 4 by NikT
* @bsolutely the best by Paweł Kubisz Modded by NikT
* @bsolutely the best skin 4 Facebook - Spring Skin
* @bsolutely the best skin 4 Facebook - summer skin
* Adblock Elements 2.0
* AHiL_ShaQu VW
* All-In-One Distractions Remover For New Facebook
* All-In-One Distractions Remover For Old Facebook
* Arabic fix for Facebook
* awfe
* Background
* Beautiful Facebook
* Black, blue, greyed and glossed, with NO adds
* Blue & Gold Facebook Skin [December 08 Update]
* blue extra button
* blue with new banner
* cleaned out black facebook
* Cleanup Facebook
* coba
* Comprehensive "New" Facebook Redesign [Fonts, etc]
* Comprehensive Facebook Redesign [Dark Version]
* Creative 2.6
* danu_we
* Dark facebook theme
* De-MySpacify
* deviantART > facebook
* deviantART Skin For Facebook
* Disable Facebook Ads
* download
* Download Manager - Make prettier
* facebook
* Facebook (new) - Blue Boards Shadowed Backdrop
* Facebook (new) - Red Tartan Shadowed Backdrop
* Facebook - Arsenal
* Facebook - Batman
* Facebook - Beyoncé
* Facebook - Black gloss
* Facebook - Black-Glow theme
* Facebook - Bliss - Green Hill Skin ! (by Slid3r)
* Facebook - Blue
* Facebook - Bob Marley (Reggae )
* facebook - bring back 'That Guy'
* Facebook - Chelsea
* Facebook - Dallas Mavericks
* Facebook - Dark Shiny Blue, transparency
* Facebook - DarkYELLOW 2008
* Facebook - DejaVu fonts (Linux)
* Facebook - disable small fonts
* Facebook - Elegant Offset Border
* Facebook - Green
* Facebook - Hannah Montana
* Facebook - Hello Kitty
* Facebook - Hide Chat Bar (hides right-side only)
* Facebook - High School Musical
* Facebook - Internazionale
* Facebook - Jonas Brothers
* Facebook - Liverpool
* Facebook - Manchester United
* Facebook - Milan
* Facebook - Naruto
* Facebook - PILLbook / pills background
* Facebook - Pink
* Facebook - Pucca
* Facebook - Red
* Facebook - Remove "New Facebook" Welcome Bar
* Facebook - Remove "Please Read This!" section
* Facebook - Remove ads and unnecessary items
* Facebook - Shorter app-based news
* Facebook - SilverPulse by Sebas IDesign
* Facebook - Steel
* Facebook - Super Mario
* Facebook - The Simpsons
* Facebook - U2
* Facebook - Use sans-serif rather than Lucida Grand
* Facebook - WEEDbook / pot leaves
* Facebook - Yellow
* Facebook -NBA- Denver Nuggets
* Facebook -NFL- Buffalo Bills
* Facebook -NFL- Carolina Panthers
* Facebook -NFL- New England Patriots
* Facebook -NFL- NY Giants
* Facebook -NFL- San Francisco 49 ers
* Facebook -NFL- Tennesse Titans
* Facebook -NFL- Washington Redskins
* Facebook Ad Remover
* Facebook Ad Remover compilation
* Facebook ads and clutter
* Facebook Always Expand Applications
* Facebook App Icon Remover
* Facebook Application + Mini Icons Remover
* Facebook Application Remover
* Facebook — Improved
* Facebook — improved v2 (NEW FACEBOOK)
* Facebook Black
* Facebook Black (Improved)
* Facebook Black Orchid
* Facebook Black v2
* Facebook Chat Remover
* Facebook Cleaner
* Facebook Cleanup
* Facebook DARK
* Facebook DARK: TEAL
* Facebook facelift
* Facebook Facelift v2
* Facebook fan pages ( "became fans..." ) blocker
* Facebook Green
* Facebook in Calibri (unified font)
* Facebook Inverted (and therefore Dark)
* Facebook New - Clean & Neat
* Facebook News Feed Embiggener
* facebook news feed remover
* facebook news feed remover II
* Facebook no-Ads
* Facebook Photo Tag Crosshair
* Facebook pink
* facebook profile ads hider
* facebook RTL comment and wall posts
* Facebook Scrabulous Ad Remover
* facebook semi-transparent menus
* Facebook Shadow
* facebook sky background
* facebook sponsor remover
* Facebook Taskbar - Blue light with transparency
* Facebook tweaks
* Facebook Welcome Bar remover
* facebook widescreen off-center glich fix
* Facebook Wood Desktop
* Facebook [OLD] - bw's Blue Design
* Facebook-Dark Stripe Theme
* Facebook: Demoted Hidden
* Facebook: PackRat Tweaks
* Fix Facebook
* Fix New Facebook
* Fredrik
* Hello
* hi
* layout1
* Len R's Transparent UI Popups
* Maximize Facebook canvas
* New Facebook
* New Facebook - Ad Remover
* New Facebook - Application Remover
* New Facebook - Dark Colors And Green Background
* New Facebook - Enlightening theme -
* New Facebook - Minor wall css fix
* New Facebook - PowerTheme
* New Facebook - Remove Ads, Adjust Content Width
* New Facebook - Top Bar Remover
* New Facebook - [ablocker / minimal enhancer ]
* New Facebook ad removal
* new Facebook Adkiller
* New Facebook All black
* New Facebook Item Highlighter
* New Facebook, darkly w/o adds
* New Facebook: jeremyclarke Hide Ads
* New Gatek
* new season
* new season website
* new.Facebook Ad Remover + Widener + Calibri Font
* NewFacebook Sidebar
* Nita
* ParangZhoweq
* PrivateSniper's Style :: FaceBook 1.1
* PrivateSniper's Style :: Facebook Apps 1.3
* purple ex
* Rave
* Remove All Facebook Sponsors
* restujie
* Rounded New Facebook ( or Facebook 3 ) tabs
* RTL facebook Wall, by MrWill
* Shades of dark transparentcy, w/o adds
* stubatman2
* theme
* V3 Edition Skin For Facebook
* V3 Edition Skin For Facebook - darkened
* VampBook style by Valange for Facebook page
* Zhoweq Jkt09
* ZhoweqJkt
* [Facebook] Vista Ultimate Skin [v0.2 ALPHA]
* [Facebook] Vista Ultimate Taskbar v0.3[Beta3]

Berikut tampilannya
* ""Facebook - Batman Skin 2009

Silahkan Dicoba ya.

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